Friday, December 28, 2007

(virtually unseen
abstractly close
this persistent insanity
of consistent rows)

or, let me write another phrase
to better describe
your consistent gaze
and close the loop
forever of those
swift, brief, sharp, -
frozen moments;

your eyes withheld …….
(my eyes bemoaned)

holding your glares ---
kissing the sledding airs ----

(or rather better
let’s leave it
for some other day
or for some other time)


kalai said...

"your eyes withheld …….
(my eyes bemoaned)

holding your glares ---
kissing the sledding airs ----"

nice i said earlier, u hav the power of impressing us with ur words.... take care buddy..

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

the ending is beautiful - works so well.

Jeevan said...

You have been adoring the nature in your words.

those lines kalai mentioned gives a beautiful feel.

Alok said...

Kalai: thank u ... really appreciate that u liked something that my pen drew even on a day when it simply refused to write what I wanted to write :)


Andrew: thanks a ton .... for that encouragement :)


Jeevan: thanks buddy as usual ... really appreciated

Thanks guys for dropping by
