Saturday, December 15, 2007

Failure that awaith me
Failed me again -

Awaith the success
Success never came ...

Failed success failed
Success failed success.

(Success has no precedence -
Failure isn’t an orphan.)


Bla said...

I have no fucking idea what you have just said/wrote.

Janice Thomson said...

Within success also lies failure and vice-versa. Neither one has any particular order and neither comes alone. Since each is merely an aspect of the other neither should be desired, or rather, attached to.
Oh. Think I just gave the basis of the "Middle Path'. :)

ketki said...

i loved the Quote in the end1

gP said...

that was something...true in all perspectives.

Manimala said...

This is funny.

Ronak said...

When its hot you want it cold
when its cold you want it hot
always wanting what is not !!!

Insaan is fitraat hai jo usse khush nahi hone deti warna duniya mein kaami kiss cheez ki hai ???

Alok said...

Bla: When was the last time that things turned out exactly the way you had planned or wanted or wished for … there are so many times that we think worst is going to happen and surprise surprise that never happens and then there are times that we toil for success and then what we end up with is failure … isn't it …. So it is a cyclical process and there is no guarantee to any of them … however true it might be but still we never ever stop expecting .. either positively or negatively .. do we?

What I was trying to touch upon was the expectation that one has from their work / life. The belief that we should hold for ourselves in our abilities is far more important than the belief we should hold in the outcomes / results. Outcomes / results are not in our hand but our continuous pursuit for a better life remains strong and positive if we continue to believe in our abilities.

The evolution of human kind was through a gradual evolution of many major failures and small success. Failure comes first before any success and there is always a definition for failure. But you would have realized that success today might be failure tomorrow in definition of new successes (scientific / economic theories for example) and depends entirely on failures that preceded it. That's why success has no precedence and failure isn't an orphan.

Failed success failed
Success failed success.

- failure that goaded me to success has failed again in light of new success that has again failed and will be succeeded by a new success and the cycle goes on …

Moreover as Janice said in her comment both are integral part to each other


Janice: thank u for narrating what I thought so eloquently. Thanx again


Ketki: thank u mam!


Siva [Ghost Particle]: Thanks buddy. But I thought perspectives were relative .. aren't they J ?


Manimala: If it was funny for you .. then I am glad mate I made you laugh.


Ronak: the above comments were before ur comment ... I had posted them in haste and there was this one line where I said success has definition and wht I meant was failure has definition and then there were few typos so have corrected them and reposted the comment ...... and as to what you said it is so true buddy and sums up the essence of the verses... thank u for those thoughts

Thanks guys for reading


gP said...

yes, in a real world standpoint it is all relative...but our ideals and mind can do anything.

Alok said...

Siva [Ghost Particle]: ... mind .. human mind .... it is he who make things relative and it is he who make things absolute ... and I never fail to be amazed with its prowess

PS: and a typo still remained .. there wasnt supposed to be a J in my reply :( when will these typos stop haunting me


kalai said...

"Failure that awaith me
Failed me again -
Awaith the success
Success never came"

it will come soon friend... dont loose ur confidence at any cost... whatever u r expecting will come soon to u... b happy always...