Sunday, July 8, 2007

Matter of convinience

In the new arrival section of a book store that I visited recently, I saw compilations of Shakespear and Elliot. The authors' sections also had similar volumes. In the Jane Austen's section I found five books written by her costing HK $ 80 a piece and then there was a compilation of all the five novels costing HK $ 299. Needless to say one would buy a compilation rather than those individual books.

I distinctly remember the hundreds of book stalls in college street in Calcutta that I frequently used to visit during my university days. I used to pick up books randomly. My decision used to be based on the impression that I bought from the cover. Authors mattered only when I wanted to read one written by them. And on most of the occassions .... all that mattered was what I felt about the book by what was written at the back cover. I am not as voracious a reader as I used to be ....... but I haven't changed the impression of picking up a book when I happen to visit a store.

What makes a book ...... It's not only what's printed inside. To me the cover, the pictures ..... the author's dedication, his/ her introduction, the preface .... the back cover .... the copyright inscriptions, the publisher's trademark ....... all contributes to an experience that's called a book. And thorugh many emotions that a book carries itself to the end, I live a different life, till such time that the book's last page is turned over. The next book is always a new life ... a new experience. Ofcourse compilations are matters of convinience. Ofcourse it's a modern day thing. Ofcourse it reduces the cost of printing and hence makes books more affordable. Ofcourse ...... Ofcourse .....


Keshi said...

tnxx for this book review Alok.


Alok said...

hay thanx keshi ....