Saturday, May 3, 2008

every written letter saunters

between space and time

somewhere …..

someplace ……

bargaining, trade of an awl

in exchange for a quixotic - 

worn courage -

neighbourhood witnessing ....

a popular yard sale.


gP said...

:) feels so urban yet so personal heh.

Janice Thomson said...

Wow what a neat photo Alok.
I like the metaphor - I never would have thought of that. Wonderful!

Jeeves said...

Poems from life or life as poetry. This is beautiful....

Casperbaba said...

awesome! speechless....

find time to read this...
u'll understand why...!!!

Jeevan said...

Nice poem and pic matching with woods :)

Alok said...

Siva: hehe its all abt you, me everyone of us :) thanx bro


Janice: honoured again with ur saying so .... thanx a ton


Jeevs: One of the best things to have been said abt these scribbling ... thanks u so much


Casper: that's such an awesome piece .. bravo ...


Jeevan: thanx buddy

Guys truly appreciated ... have a gr8 weekend


Miladysa said...

"every written letter saunters between space and time somewhere..."

Wow! I could get lost in that thought :-D

venuss66 said...

Words are beautifully woven. Thank you.

Alok said...

Miladysa: So we both have a tendency to get lost :)) ... thanks a lot ..


Venus: Thanks so much for ur words
