Wednesday, April 30, 2008

but the moon has many shades,
and the canoe still has to sail
distances traveled on plains.
lost raindrops never regained.

(even as thoughts erase memories
you walk on dead grass
leaving your imprints behind)


Jeevan said...

Memories shrink as new thoughts registering, but some still exist because of deep imprints. Nice piece :)

Priya said...

So true, how much ever u try to put them in a nutshell it comes back as memories never fade till our last breath.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

this brings a lot of pictures to my mind!

Janice Thomson said...

Love that last verse Alok - very poignant and so true.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Alok, now this one is lovely. I love the words, :Lost rain drops". How perfect. Couple them with, "you walk on dead grass leaving your imprints behind." Well its even better.

I always like to to think that we leave little imprints on the people and things we touch. A part of ourselves that cannot be taken back because it has joined with that person or thing.

Loved this Alok, just loved it.

soft love,

Jyoti said...

awesome, the feelings behind these beautiful garland of words is just appreciable.

keep it up :)

venuss66 said...

Memories are always there in the mind and heart.
Beautiful, alok.

Casperbaba said...

sometimes its important for the memories to pass away. erasing its traces from the soul. it hurts lesser then!

Alok said...

Jeevan: I think thts the problem .. How I wish we all could have selected memories :) thanx mate


Priya: Yes once they come home they live with you through your last breath :) thanx again


Andrew: my thanks to u as always ...


Janice: truly appreciated, many thanks


Tara: I am delighted by the way you read this scribbling of mine ... thanks mostly


Jyoti: U have been missing :) ... thanks for taking your time out .. still u havent answered wht happened to ur blog :) thanks as always


Venus: so true ... many thanks


Casper: But then tht I guess will never be possible ... they still will walk on dead grass :) thanx bro


gP said...

simply the best!

Miladysa said...

"but the moon has many shades,"

Thankfully ;-D

Alok said...

Siva: means a lot .. thnks


Miladysa: Indeed so ... thankfully :))
