Saturday, April 5, 2008

memories I come back to you
time and again
through countless tides
on aery sea face
where standing between two shores
we build a bridge of lost eons - - -

of the many years that I rendered you
pilfer my desires for me;

Despite his courage, the insurmountable effect of time’s prowess on his veins can be clearly seen. As they say much water has flown under the bridge and evidently so. I wish one could measure the essence of time. We say quality but then that is so subjective, so human and unscientific prone to hours of discussions, debates and later on comments which these days become so unmanly to most of us (yet we never refrain). He lived his life to the fullest (in all sense of the term) and even these days after 81 years when he speaks he tends to exude a sense of calm that is so inadequate in most of us.

of old flint efflorescent time
uplifting its stony head,
like a solitary star on black nights
amongst unseen, unheard spirits -
strike it bright with shining steel
on this raining night’s dancing ordeal;

of the many years that I rendered you
pilfer my dreams for me;

He does talk of death these days perhaps more than he has ever done in his entire life but then he talks of it as a certainty and not out of self pity. The death of his son in 1998, aged forty four, had left him shattered and weak. He perhaps would have wanted to die at that time yet he survived, survived with scars of time though as well as with all truths, the scars do lighten but never disappear. The fact remains that he grew old faster than he would have done otherwise. In fighting the malaise he showed a sense of resoluteness in overcoming it that is hardly seen these days. Remember he had lost a son whom he loved the most. But through all this he never lost his sense of calm which has always been associated with him. A great man who lives life on his own terms, does the right things and defines what is right, has seen zillions of ups and downs - fighting, surviving and still living with a legacy of how exactly to live a life like a true gentleman (and believe me there is still this concept that is viable).

like many a man past, man will outgrow you
and you will live through me fresh as green
like first rays on window sills
of moments enraptured in countless deeds
flesh in flesh who momentarily believes
where my soul rests, lies my memories;

of the many years that I rendered you
pilfer my moments for me;


Admin said...

i love the back and forth between prose and poetry. have you ever checked out poefusion? they give a weekly poetry challenge, and you have to incorporate five new words into your poem each time. i haven't tried it yet, but i've been meaning to. join me?

aria said...

"like a solitary star on black nights
amongst unseen, unheard spirits -"

Astonishing imagery. Many images surface in your words and how subtly they provide insights into waylaid hopes with an appreciation for small moments .. without ever preaching or losing that compassionate grace.

Jyoti said...

somebody seems to be inspired by writting style of gita ;)

peom with doubt you hve done it beautifully.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

this is beautiful!! how horrible if we didn't have memory.

david santos said...

Hello, Alok!
I loved this work. Prose and poetry are my love.
Thank you.

Priya said...

Lovely Alok. You tried something different and it cameout well.

Miladysa said...

This is beautiful. One of my favourites.

Is this about someone you love? A grandfather?

"still living with a legacy of how exactly to live a life like a true gentleman (and believe me there is still this concept that is viable)"

My father was a true gentleman :-D

“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.”
~ George Bernard Shaw

Annie Wicking said...

How beautiful!

best wishes

Janice Thomson said...

Gosh Alok this was so beautifully written. The prose is as wonderful as the poetry which could easily stand on its own. What a beautiful and poignant tribute to this man who I presume is your grandfather. Awesome!

Alok said...

Vesper: thanks much ... I will check out the site ... will let u know


aria: thanks for such a lovely comment .. it makes scribbling worthwhile


jyoti: I haven't read Geeta for a long time but that's the only book to which I agree the most ...

I am inspired by Geeta ... not sure whether or not by its writing style :)


Andrew: thanks and so true


David: thanx a lot .. appreciated ...


Priya: thanx ..... I have written in this form for sometime now on this blog .. infact if u check out the archive quite a no. of posts wld be in this form ...


Miladysa: fantastic quote ... a favorite 'post' from me ... ahh! :)
thanx a lot ... gentlemen .. yeah they are true gentlemen ... they don't make them like these days .....

Ohh yes I almost forgot to mention I was indeed talking of my grandpa :)


Annie: thanx for coming ...


Janice: heartfelt comment from you thanx ..... Actually wrote this after talking to tht morning .. he sounded very frail but calm ... he is not in best of health these days but he keeps on assuring me tht today is better than yesterday ... I love him a lot and miss him too ... Now at this moment I just have his voice and his memory ...

Thank you all for dropping by .. truly appreciated


floots said...

this works so well and i love that refrain which lends the whole thing a sense of power and myth
thank you

gP said...

//like many a man past, man will outgrow you
and you will live through me fresh as green//

I find this world, it has a life, of believers, of fighters, of travelers and lovers. Among all I find the urge to go forward and live.

This is an interesting concoction, one that reads like an epic sci-fi novel, yet again one that reads like our life stories.

great words bro, great talent. :)

gP said...

and sorry for not reading the others comments, its the life of your Grandpa. How he would have found the years interesting, devoid of our chase and race of the 21st century. :)

Keshi said...

I love the star line. Amazing how I wrote a very similar line today in my blog :)


venuss66 said...

Special tribute to your grandpa. You are missing him a lot i can feel.
Take care.

Alok said...

floots: thanks a lot ..


Siva: as eloquent as always ... couldn't disagree with you


Keshi: thanks .. I will hop over to ur page


Venus: yes I do .. thanx

Thank you all for taking ur time out


Jeevan said...

my grandfather is leaving strength to decrease where it seems like he feels what life there is without his son who died younger. I have always pray for his strength and the good thoughts he has for our generation, he faced life so much which is learning for us. Nice about your grandpa :)