Saturday, May 26, 2007

The story of courage and determination

Just got up after watching a movie on Terry Fox. Fox's story made me realise how an individual is capable of changing not only his life but of entire generations. His story is what legends are made of and truly words seem incapable in describing his courage, determination and heroism.

Terry was a Canadian born on July 28, 1958. He was a brilliant athlete (especially a very good diver & swimmer) in his school days and harbored the dream of being a physical education teacher. But destiny had something else planned from him. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone - cancer) at the age of 18 resulting in amputation of his right leg, 15 inches above his knee. During his days in hospital the plight of other cancer patients moved him tremendously.

Terry defined his own destiny from there. He decided to run with one prosthetic leg from coast to coast to raise money for cancer research. The run was named "Marathon of Hope" with a dream to raise $1 from every Canadian citizen. The run as usual had very little interest in the beginning but soon people realised what it was worth for. In due course of time he had gathered uncharacteristic public interest and support. The scene where the goons donate the money is the quintessential moment. The sense of helplessness is evident when a 10 yr old suffering from the same fate offers him to teach swimming. He covered 3,339 miles over an 18 yr time span running nearly 23.3 miles a day (against the initial plan of 26.6 miles a day). He raised $ 24 million to fulfill his dream.

Unfortunately life didn’t give him the time to see his dream being realised. He could never finish his marathon. He died of lung cancer just a month before his 23rd birthday. But he left a legacy of courage and self determination that is perhaps unparalleled across the world. The world aptly remembers him every year through The Terry Fox Run across the world to help raise money for cancer research. He was posthumously honoured The Order of Canada.

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