Monday, May 28, 2007

Just a wish

Sitting at the beach,
winds gushing through my coarse hair,
the waves luring me to sing in a hushed tone, and ....
i wanted to write.

I reach the mountain peak and slowly look down,
the earth looks so small but so mighty,
i keep thinking, that ....
i wanted to write.

I walk down the road and i stand waiting at a traffic signal
with hoards of people waiting to move on,
and as green turns to red,
i wanted to write.

I look at the mirror in my living room,
and thank God for it,
there's another figure over there, about whom ...
i wanted to write.

So many times
in my pleausres and woes,
in my company and lonliness
i wanted to write ......
i just didn't know ... why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are mistaken. I suggest it to discuss. Write to me in PM.