Sunday, May 27, 2007


I looked around for something to eat .....
and there lay a bar of chocolate ....
in a corner of my refrigerator, sleeping peacefully,
unaware of the coming;

Perhaps I expected a resistance
and picked it with a trembling hand,
suddenly it woke up
as if from a pleasant dream
looked at me ...
like a blossoming sesame seed
lay in my hand like a silent lamb;

I looked at it and looked hard
mesmerized by the art
hesitating a bit ……
the rainbow cover
crumbling in my hand
exposed to the divine earthy brownie colour;

I stood there with a fixed gaze
like a charmed snake,
I slid my hands to the lovely curves
as a mountain ridge in the dark,
holding my own
I carried it to me
it smelt of earth
drenched completely in rain,
Oh boy!
I slowly brought it between my lips
and it melted away
with sublime ecstasy;

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