Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Favouring tongue bears favouring speech;
So did she tell me in Cantonese
and as difficult an art as crochet
easily differentiates a novice;

I smiled instead,
for words were none
almost like the empty coke can
holding to quench my thirst
on a blank summer afternoon –

Well so does it happen
my empty smile betrayed me
giving away secrets of soul
as always like a traitor;

How long have you been here –
in pure honey coated brisk mannered
English she speaks - - -
I still smile back at her
entranced .. well almost
smiling foolishly …


Priya said...

A thirst for language and if spoken, it fills the hearts of others.

Miladysa said...

Brilliant! Left me feeling as though I was witness to the events [and I was through your words] and wanting to know more...

a perfect ending :-D

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I feel the same as Miladysa! :)

Janice Thomson said...

An excellent capture of the moment.
I smiled right along with you. Wonderful Alok!

Jyoti said...

"words were none almost like the empty coke can held to quench my thirst"

nice comparision!!

aria said...

delightfully crafted .. :)

virtual nexus said...

Brilliant slice of life.

Poetic novel in the making.

gP said...


Heh...you know I always ask this :p

Perfectly summarizing your linguistic adventure :)

floots said...

smiles can can lose or gain us so much
i enjoyed this meeting
thank you

venuss66 said...

Wow! I am so curious now.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

How playful Alok. I love this. You seem to always have something underneath that we sometimes have to pull out. Like a hidden treat on easter.

Soft love,

Alok said...

Priya: Well said ... thank u


Miladysa: That's such a nice thing to say ... Thank u


Andrew: Thanks a lot


Janice: Purpose solved ... I hope I can carry with me smile, pain, happiness and exuberance all in equal measurement ... thnx a lot


Jyoti: Many thanks


Aria: Thanks a lot


Julie: tht was one part that I was getting at .. thank u


Siva: Nah! Thanks bro


Floots ... so true ... so when will u be back :)


Mary: Nothing much really


Tara: That comment makes writing worthwhile

Thank you all for giving me your time


Jeevan said...

Cool buddy ;) the smiles filled the can isn’t it :)

Anonymous said...

i like your poems. they are short & intense