Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I hold on to you as you fly
High over cerulean carpet sky
Like free, unchained desires
Far away from roadsteads
Tasting the salt of unbound water
Into open countenance of sea’s delight;

I think I hold your strings as you fly
Plunge into chasm of infinite heights
Over white flames where you travel
Caressing neighbourhood horizons; and
I stand augured on the shore watching
As you carouse with fire and winds’ whim.

And as merry a fool as there is one
You remind me of Prehensions and Strings
Whose hold would never matter
If you did not know how to fly -
- Partners in that flight
- Partners in this walk of life.


Priya said...

For sure you are missing someone tho'.

Janice Thomson said...

I like the analogy to a kite - at least I think that's what you mean.

Keshi said...

Partners in they really exist. I thought we r all alone anyways.


Casperbaba said...

hmm... interesting!!!!

from the scent of an unbounded sea,
to the coasts of 'partner' by the pillowside,
A silent dream, out to scream.

delhidreams said...

ha ha, liked it
and as merry as a fool i am, i love u taking these flights across the countenance of sea's delight...

virtual nexus said...

You really get the sense of the lift of the flight in your words.

Jeevan said...

Very true, but sometime we have to know how to lift them high.

you remain me the olden days of flying kits on beach, and the sad thing is those kits will not fly away from seaside.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

"Plunge into chasm of infinite heights"
I absolutely love that line!! :)

Jeeves said...

Hopped into ypur blog via Priya...Your poems are really nice!!!!

aria said...

As for me, partners had been taking a flight alone, leaving me far behind :)

On serious note, great visuals evoked in lovely words..

Alok said...

Pria: he he .. I know where u r coming frm .. thnk u :)


Janice: You read it absolutely right ... I indeed tried to personify kite here and was an attempt to depict freedom, flight, joy, ego, understanding and togetherness .. dunno if tht worked or not ... thanx a lot


Keshi: Then thts the fundamental problem with this piece :) I know where u r coming frm ... I understand that ... But can we be our own partner too ? hmmm ... food for thought ... thnx


Casperbaba: "A silent dream out to scream" ... wht else do I need to say ... thanx a lot for such eloquence ....


Jeevan: Indeed so ... I rem them too .. werent they the fun ones :) thanx a lot


Andrew: my thanx as usual .. I had written gulf first and then it wasnt sounding alright .. then changed it to chasm .... i m glad u noticed ...


Jeevs: Welcome and thanx for reading .. truly appreciated ..


Aria: As i asked Keshi ... can we be our own partners ... can u take the flight alone :) who can stop u :) ... thnx for that lovely comment

venuss66 said... like a bird high up in the sky.