Monday, April 14, 2008

Dulcet winds of violoncello plays my room. It has already composed a quartet of an opera, embracing the silence of mutiny ..... of several instruments that propose lying scattered thereto.

Faint knocks on the front door. Listen. Recompense - a pledge not a mercy. Do not look beyond.

I seek not to ignore, not to look away into the distant. I wish not to armour myself against uncalled saccharine glee floating at the corner of my eyes. Smile with less scruple, as I am willing to.

I want to.

I have to.

I shall.



Priya said...

That shows the power of doing or saying I will isn't it.

Good job Alok.

Indrajit said...

gr8 work again ... :) :)

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I like how you ended it..

Janice Thomson said...

I agree with Andrew - the ending is wonderful!

Jeevan said...

You can too bro :)

Alok said...

Priya: Ohh yes ... spot on :)


Indrajit: my thanks


Andrew: many thanks


Janice: thanx as always


Jeevan: Yes .. to let u know .. I read all ur comments and truly appreciate them


Truly appreciated guys


aria said...

Loved it, and as everyone else said the last few lines were most compelling ..