Monday, December 10, 2007

on the other side of the fence,
a seethed road
laid open and wide;
with meretricious noises
and -
overbearing crowd;
my irascible mind
as always,
remains effervescent
in lost sounds.

and there -
in a high pitched tone
the cicada ceaselessly sings
on a night driven by roads;
his desperations
too evident to note.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alok,
Lovely poe..but can't able to make out the exact this is the lonely of cicada or what..
Sorry, im not much into poetry, so can't able to make the what the poet want to say..

Take care

Jeevan said...

Second part give a unusual thing of the singing. wish u for a noiseless surrounding.

Janice Thomson said...

Awesome Alok - it's few that can pick out the sound of a cicada and note its meaningful sounds. I loved this piece.

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iamnasra said...

Hey one more amazing poem of your

gP said...

a touch of freedom on the other side, and the protagonist stuck in a his own malaise. Or it could be the other way around. The way of the world.

An excellent poem bro.

Arti Honrao said...

Good one!


kalai said...

Alok, after reading ur post.... even i too felt like iam in a much noisy environment.. i can understand ur difficulty... take care friend...

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

lovely. now that it's cold and dreary, I really miss the cicadas.

venuss66 said...

Lovely poem! How are you?

Alok said...

Mona: No it was the meretricious noises :) thanks buddy for reading


Jeevan: u know how these days "noiseless" is such a distinct dream :)


Janice: thank u my friend as always. As I had said, I look forward to ur comments


Nasra: thank u mam as always ...


Siva [Ghost Particle] thats what I call perspective ... thank u for those kind words


Arti: Long time no see ... thanks for dropping by


Kalai: thank u so much for ur words


Andrew: and I miss their sounds .... thank u so much


Venus: thank u so much mam

Thank u guys ... greatly appreciated
