Look at the vast expanse of unbridled sea. Calmness that rests in unhindered existence, far away from human affirmations. Beliefs that are owned and treasured. Confidence that there is co-existence.
Let me sit back and reflect. For this moment at least.
And as I work through eons of unexplained opinions, malice and prejudice let me regain the calmness of naught, beliefs that are mine and confidence that we will survive.
Let us not talk. For some time indeed.
Switch off the lights dear.
Finally, a post from you. As usual brilliant
Hey Jeevs .. thanks .. much appreciated
Love the new look Alok!
A very reflective post indeed. In the silence we find the most unexpected answers. I really enjoyed this short piece.
Welcome back Alok:)It was brilliant and in silence we speak many words.
Janice: Thanks ... I spent a good part of Sat to search for a template ... glad u liked it ... thanks for ur thoughts as well
Priya:Thanks for dropping by ... truly appreciated
wow, the way you're able to say things amazes me.
Andrew: That's a very nice thing to say .. thanks a lot
Short but meaningful. Nice to read you again. Take care.
Venus, Thanks for dropping by
Good read Alok,
"Switch off the lights dear." --
haha -- don't ask me dear, i need atleast a zero watt glowing :))
In silence our mind glows! how is it? hehe...
Tranquil like your new site design :D
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